Home REPORTAGES Editorial Interzoo 2024 with video documentary

Editorial Interzoo 2024 with video documentary

Editoriale Interzoo di Norimberga 2024 con documentario

The 2024 Interzoo in Nuremberg ended two months ago, but we took some time to put together our documentary on the world’s most important aquarium technology fair.

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Yes, you’re right, it took us a while, and we had to postpone covering other events that we attended, but which, unfortunately, are secondary in importance to Interzoo. We’re talking about the report on what is probably the most beautiful coral shop in the world, World Wide Corals, and the ReefAPalooza fair in Orlando that we visited in April.

Unfortunately, the video, which we can call a documentary, lasts almost three hours. It has been dubbed in Italian, including all the content we filmed in English, such as interviews with foreign companies… but this time, it was dubbed by AI. There’s been a lot of talk about it, and we also took advantage of it. There are a few errors in the dubbing, but guys, what a result. In fact, we can’t wait to hear what you think about the dubbed content. For all you guys that don’t understand Italian, can add subtitles and then choose English.

But back to Interzoo. The last edition, in 2022, was the post-COVID comeback, which is why it was very low-key, both in terms of the audience and the participating companies. Now we can say that the 2024 edition has returned to normal. There were many, many companies present at the fair, some with stands and some without, but we’ll see more of that later. And there were many people present, both casual visitors and friends we met on this journey.

As usual, there were six of us covering this wonderful event. We produced a lot of material, and today we are showing you the full video. In the coming weeks, or rather months, we will have a lot to talk about, examining every booths we visited.

Our Documentary Video on 2024 Interzoo

Do you want to see the booths we visited? Do you want to hear from the protagonists about the 2024 novelties? Do you want to see all the new products we discovered? Here’s our video that, in three hours, takes you on a tour of Interzoo. It will be like being at the fair with us. Then come back here for insights, comments, and details on everything.

As usual, from our editorial, in the coming weeks, many in-depth articles will be published to talk to you in detail about all the new products we saw, booth by booth. And we can guarantee that almost every booth had something interesting to show us, so we recommend not missing out on articles about even the unknown or semi-unknown companies because you might find some pleasant surprises.

Let’s Start with the Numbers

This is my ninth Interzoo, and I am firmly convinced that it is the most important pet equipment fair in the world. Many things have changed since then, but one thing has always remained the same. Those who matter… come to Interzoo! Those who miss out… lose! This year, especially this year.

The fair organizers reported that the visitors for this 2024 edition of Interzoo were 37,000, much more than the 28,000 two years ago, and in line with the 39,000 from the pre-COVID event. There were about 266 aquarium-related companies, much more than the 170 of the last edition, although still below the 369 pre-pandemic numbers. Nevertheless, a 56% increase from the previous edition, and it couldn’t have been easy to achieve those numbers.

Before continuing, if you want to re-read some of our old editorials on past Interzoos, you can check the links below:

The travel companions, as usual, were fantastic, and the five of us managed to cover almost all the stands we had planned. Perhaps the absence of some of the major players gave us the opportunity to interact with virtually all the stands. But it was very hard to visit them all in just three days. We hope you will appreciate our effort and all our reports.

DaniReef Staff Interzoo 2024: from left to right Federico, Danilo DaniReef, Giorgio Lumaz, Aisja, Dario, Simone Baglioni Hioct999

As we know and have always said, Interzoo is not just an ordinary fair. It is not the typical event where you go just to be present. But companies are here to show what they are capable of. To showcase the market novelties for the next two years. Until the next Interzoo, that is. And the cycle repeats endlessly. At least until now.

This year, there were very few American companies again. We recall, off the top of our heads, the indestructible Two Little Fishies from our friend Julian Sprung (and we visited him in Miami; we will talk about that as soon as we have time), Wonderbox with its splendid aquariums, and Microbe-Lift. We think American companies have chosen American fairs to showcase their novelties, especially ReefAPalooza. And it’s a shame. True, the products could still be seen, maybe at other stands or distributors’ stands, but it’s not the same.

The trend of catalog absence continues, which for someone like me, who grew up with catalogs, is a big difference.

One of the most beautiful marine aquariums set up at the fair
One of the most beautiful marine aquariums set up at the fair

Still, significantly fewer aquariums to see compared to previous editions, both marine and freshwater. They were there, but in smaller numbers than a few years ago, as you can see in the various editorials linked a few paragraphs above. Korallen Zucht and WhiteCorals have been missing for a couple of editions, but especially the beautiful tank by Dejong MarineLife, which, although present this year, did not think it necessary to recreate an aquarium of that size, complexity, and beauty. Every year we took it for granted, but unfortunately, it wasn’t there this year, although the stand was. But we still saw some beautiful ones. Dinar Darum Lestari above or AquaForest, just to name a couple.

Interzoo 2024: A very special aquarium created by Oliver Knot
2024 Interzoo: A very special aquarium created by Oliver Knot

A beautiful freshwater aquarium by Oliver Knot. Someone who undoubtedly knows his stuff. Look at this spectacle.

Few fish. We saw some particular fish at Dejong MarineLife, beautiful African Cichlids at the AMTRA stand, a new type of clownfish at the Two Little Fishies stand where we met GNC, but little else. This further confirms the transition from a public fair (years ago, it was open to the public on Sunday, and the set-up aquariums made sense) to a B2B fair, intended for retailers or companies. They don’t need to see a set-up aquarium to understand the value of an aquarium or accessory, making the creation of aquariums unnecessary. We have to accept that.

African Cichlid at the AMTRA stand
African Cichlid at the AMTRA stand

A much higher audience than the last edition, in line with the best previous years.

Below are some of the products we will analyze in the coming days and that caught our attention at Interzoo 2024.

We met many friends, producers, and personalities, many of whom we couldn’t photograph. Some you can see in this gallery.

Vediamo nella pagina seguente anche il pensiero degli altri preziosi collaboratori di DaniReef, ovvero Federico Ferrando Picchio e Simone Baglioni, in puro ordine alfabetico.

On the next page, let’s also see the thoughts of other valuable DaniReef collaborators, namely Federico Ferrando Picchio and Simone Baglioni, in pure alphabetical order.


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