Home REPORTAGES Editorial: Nuremberg Interzoo 2018

Editorial: Nuremberg Interzoo 2018


Interzoo 2018: ingresso della fieraThe 36th edition of the Interzoo of Norimberga 2018 has finished a couple of weeks ago, and here we are, finally, to talk to you with all the details, starting with our usual in depth editorial about the most important aquaristic event of every two years-period.

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This article is also available in:  italiano

This year, because of the huge amount of photographs, we had to took more time compared to what we are used to. They’re 2.500 and we also have a lot of videos! But we will find a way to show all of them to you.

As usual starting from this editorial there are going to be other in-depth articles, between 50 and 100 if we can write all of them, to talk about the news we’ve seen. Booth by booth. So we suggest you to insert the last page of this editorial in your favorites and come to visit it in the next days, in order to see the latest articles released.

This is my 7th Interzoo and I’m firmly convinced that it’s the most important fair in the world about equipments and pets. Whoever doesn’t participate loses, and the those that count… come to the Interzoo!

The fair said that there where 39.000 guests in the 4 days of the exhibition, more or less the same of the previous edition. If you want to read one of our old editorials about the passed Interzoo you can use the links here below:

My travel friends were great, and in four we manage to visit all the booths we set ourselves the goal to visit. Honestly, some chinese booth didn’t want to be interviewed because wasn’t interested in publicity. We’ve been at the exhibition for 3 whole days. I hope you will appreciate our efforts and our reportages.

DaniReef Staff: (from the left) Giorgio Lumaz, Danilo DaniReef, Maurizio Zanna Bianca, Federico HkK.2003

You already know that the Interzoo isn’t a normal fair. It’s not the classical event to which you go just in order to be present. The Companies want to show themselves and their possibilities, with the great news that there are going to be the fashion of the following two years.

This year we have again assisted to the negative american trend. Even in this edition, like in the previous one, they didn’t bring important news, but for many companies the presence was only a façade, as we will show you in our articles. The american companies privilege american fairs for showing their news, now. ReefApalooza and Macna in particular. And we of DaniReef this year will be also at the Macna.

39.000 visitors, 13 pavilions occupied out the 17 of the fair and 1989 companies. Now we will see these numbers in trends of exposition.

This fair sanctioned – as if there was the need to – that in aquarium only LED exist. We didn’t see any HQi, and just a few T5, in particular in the Pacific Sun booth. Very far from last edition, where the T5 seemed to be reborn. But it has been the fair of the IOT, that is the Internet Of Things. In other words, everyone has shown their connected products. From pumps to heaters, chillers and skimmers. Everything will be able to connect to the internet, and it also will be remotely controlled by smartphone. Until few years ago it was science fiction.

Refrigeratori a confronto. Quello centrale, fra le altre cose, è collegato a internet
Chillers in comparison. The one in the middle is also connected to Internet

Obviously there will be available apps and programs. At this point there aren’t  physical commands almost anymore. All can be done by apps, smartphone and cloud. We, in total honesty, regret a bit the old modalities, even if we’re passionate about technology, because maybe we’re going to far, in particular for those companies that don’t have working technologies even without being connected to Internet.

There were less marine aquariums in exhibition, and more fresh water aquariums. There was a hole left by Korallen Zucht and WhiteCorals. The former didn’t participate, while the latter didn’t bring its usual incredible animals to show. But fortunately we have been satisfied with the amazing aquarium in the booth of Dejong MarineLife. Very beautiful. Lit with ceiling lights by Philips CoralCare, in place of the Lani of two years ago.

Interzoo 2018: il magnifico acquario marino presso lo stand DeJong MarineLife
Interzoo 2018: the magnificent aquarium by DeJong MarineLife

Even this year we have seen a lot of fresh water aquariums realized with the technique of Aquascaping, and the thing we liked the most is that a lot of aquascapers were italian, expecially the friends of ITAU. Here below there’s an incredible creation at the Anubias booth. Thanks to Oliver Knot, Giuseppe Nisi and Fabio Lorusso.We will see it in detail when we will talk about Anubias with also our video in 4K.

Interzoo 2018: Aquascaping presso lo stand Anubias
Interzoo 2018: Aquascaping at the Anubias booth

Few fish. Few Discus, actually, essentially no one. We have seen some Pterophillum, but anyway: no fish or very small one. Some Koi carp, but less than  in the other editions. It seems that we’re distancing from fish and arriving to aquarium with just plants. There were some marine fish, but nothing particular.

Here above a wonderful specimen of Zebrasoma gemmatum at DeJong MarineLife booth.

The eye of another equally beautiful Pterophyllum at AquaFlora booth, in partnership with DeJong MarineLife.

The participation of the visitors seemed to be falling compared to our latest visit, even if the fair reported the same numbers. Surely the things changed. The general public couldn’t enter anymore the last day, differently from what has always happened. The fair, originally, lasted 4 days including the weekend, but this year for the first time it was entirely on weekdays, from Tuesday to Friday. We had the perception that there were less visitors, expecially on friday, the last day. And some companies began to revome the booth since early afternoon.

Here below you can see some of the products that really impressed us and that we’re going to analyze in the next days.

Very few italians. Few note faces from italian Social Network, especially in marine environment, and something more for fresh water.

But we met a lot of friends, producers, personalities, we didn’t make to take a picture of everyone, but you can see many of them in the gallery here below.

We’ll see in the following page the opinions of other precious collaborators of DaniReef, Massimo Morpurgo and Federico Turato.


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