Home REEF AQUARIUM Editorial about Zoomark 2017

Editorial about Zoomark 2017


Zoomark 2017: il grande acquario di ITAU presso Aquarium projectZoomark 2017 is the most important exhibition in Italy for what concerns the business world of the pet. It takes place every two years in Bologna and it ended last week. Here the analysis and the comments in our editorial.

Amtra sconto 20%

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We’ve waited for the official numbers from the exhibition’s management before writing the editorial. There are a lot of percentages but still no definitive number.

Numbers of Zoomark 2017

But here on DaniReef we are used to the  “fact checking” and we’ve done our researches. In 2015, Zoomark source (here), there were 22.299 registered presences whose 15.526 were Italian operators and 6.773  foreigners. Thanks to the files sent by Zoomark we know that there have been an increase about 36% of foreign guests and that this exceeded the 30% of the total score. It’s easy to do our counts. 6.773 turns into 9.211, and it corresponds with the 30%, so the total is final value has to be about 30.704. But this is an approximate valuation, because we know that the percentage in real is higher than 30%, but we don’t know if it’s about  35, 40 or 50%.

We think that, compared to the previous years, there was a little increase of public, at least for what regards Saturday morning.

We say every time that the exhibitions is less and less visited and with less exhibitors, but this year we noticed a contained recovery. Anyway, the exhibitors for the aquaristic part where still just a few. At least the Zoomark 2017 registered a (little) tendency inversion for the public affluence, waited from the 2007. We’ll see in the next two years if we’ll be able to say the same for the exhibitors.

We remind you that the Interzoo in Nuremberg is getting fuller and fuller, even with the aquaristic companies. Other exhibitions in Italy are gatering more relevance like the PetsFestival, Napoli Aquatica and Esotika.

There were very few marine aquariums, while fresh water aquariums were absolutely more present. We liked very much the idea of the biotopes, and here upon you can see one of them, presented by Heiko Bleher and set by Aquaristica.

Very nice ITAU‘s corner with a big aquascaping inspired and created in honor of Takashi Amano.

The exhibitors in the aquaristic part of theZoomark 2017

Now we’ll quickly see the various booths we met. We’ll return again on many of them to show you the news presented at the Zoomark 2017.


The combined  Sicce-Seachem booth were definitely one of the most interesting of the exhibition, thanks also to the new electric pumps by Sicce and the Tidal filter by Seachem, which is gathering a lot of success.


Tunze‘s booth presented an incredible number of products. We are right now doing our review about the Smart Controller 7000 and the Stream 3.


Amtra is the aquarist part of the huge Croci brand, which during the Zoomark 2017 has planned its recovery. In fact starting from this year Amtra‘s executive director will be Davide Robustelli that has already worked very well for Gaia. So, good luck to Amtra and Davide. We’ll have the chance to talk again about this.


Spectacular, as usual, the booth of Aquaristica, which presented a lot of new products, like aquariums, the biotope project, and all the range of Rossmont pumps. And don’t forget the feed by Dottor Bassleer that we always suggest.


Prodac‘s booth was majestic and even it presented a lot of new products and packages at the Zoomark. We like to see an italian company which invests in the aquarist world and cares about the needs of its costumers.

More at page two


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