Home REPORTAGES Aquaroche reveals the new AcropoRock System and the Druide Sea products

Aquaroche reveals the new AcropoRock System and the Druide Sea products

Aquaroche svela le sue rocce sintetiche, e non solo, a Interzoo 2022

Aquaroche is probably the company that invented synthetic ceramic rocks, and their shapes are indistinguishable from the ones we find in the sea.

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Before they proposed to the public the ceramic rocks, AquaRoche did a lot of study. They began with the porousness and they had the final goal to create inert and stable rocks, both for marine and freshwater aquarium.

I don’t know about you, but the first thing I ask myself when I have to insert something in the aquarium is: will it be inert? Or should I have to think about what it could release, damaging or not? And you can imagine that, if I think about this whenever I insert a pump, I do it ten times more when it’s up to rocks. But AquaRoche has had these rocks in the catalog for many years so I feel particularly safe. Moreover, the beautiful aquarium of Giuseppe Baldi (italian) was actually born around these rocks and testifies their quality.

AquaRoche‘s rocks are neutral and can be used both in marine and freshwater aquariums, and their various series mirror this aspect. The material is always the same, the shape changes depending on the use. Being rocks with different shapes it’s possible to create passages underwater, shelters, cliffs, shadows and plains under the light.

Every rock is a unique piece that allows a great veriety of arrangments. They’re made in lab and they are assembled in order to have a great porousness, which is necessary for bacterial colonies. According to Aquaroche, the colonization happens in a few months.

Aquaroche’s booth at the Interzoo 2022

Before you go on, we leave you to our video so that you can see the booth not only in picture. Clicking on the link you’ll be directly sent to the part about Aquaroche, but you can also watch the rest. The video is in Italian, you only have to turn the English subs on! Enjoy!

The new Acroporock system collection

During our visit of the booth we were captured by the beautiful rocks of the AcropoRock System series. These rocks have the shape of a big Acropora. This allows to use some of them as bacterial substrate and not only as decoration. They’re also great for the fish to hide inside, as it happens in nature.

Novità Interzoo 2022 per acquario marino: le nuove rocce ceramiche sintetiche Acroporock system presso lo stand AquaRoche

Obviously noy all the rocks have these sizes, but these ones make us dream! Notice that the rocks of this set all have a stable base of support.

Druide Sea products: AdsGheineas

Inside the booth there were on show also the products of the French company Druide Sea. In this case you can see the bactery booster ADS Gheineas, that implants the nitrobacter inside ceramic rocks, like Aquaroche‘s ones.

Novità Interzoo 2022 per acquario marino: I prodotti di Druide Sea: AdsGheineas presso lo stand AquaRoche

We didn’t know this company, but considering the interest Aquaroche has in it, it would be worth a deepening!


For further informations on Aquaroche and its products we leave you their official website, while for Druide Sea we leave their official facebook page, since the website seems to be no longer active. We also invite you to read our Editorial on the exhibition, also to check out the articles of the booths we visited that we’re releasing day by day, or to watch our videodocumentary about this edition of the Interzoo 2022.

Aquaroche svela le sue rocce sintetiche, e non solo, a Interzoo 2022


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