Home ENGLISH Meeting


This page is been created to remember all the events and meetings of some importance related to aquarium world which will be held in the near future and which therefore could be a wonderful opportunity to meet and chat. It also serves as an index for quick browse through all our reports, with videos and photos.

The next events

2014 august, 29-31 : Macna 2014 at Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.

2014 May, 29 June, 1 : Interzoo at Norimberga, Germany


The Reportage by our Staff

2012 may, 17-20: Interzoo 2012 in Nuremberg

2011 july, 10: The first Teco Open Day Reportage

2011 may, 12-15: Zoomark 2011, we were there… reportage

2010 june, 13: Elos Open Day II: Il Reportage

2010, may 13-16: Nürnberg Interzoo 2010Elos Reportage

2010, april 16-18 : Salento Acquari: workshop about taking a shots into aquarium

2009, may 7-10: Zoomark

2009, april 4-5: IV Reef Italia Meeting in Formia with Anthony Calfo

2008 june, 7: Elos Open Day

2008 may, 22-25: Nürnberg Interzoo 2008New products & pictures from Elos standOur photo-trip inside Interzoo

2008, april, 20: Reef Italia Meeting 2008Photographic report