Home REEF AQUARIUM Interzoo 2012: The Coral Shop and aquaLEDs.de booths

Interzoo 2012: The Coral Shop and aquaLEDs.de booths


Our journey continues in Interzoo always in Hall 4, where we visited two stand closely related one to another, Coral Shop and aquaLEDs.de

Let’s start talking about Coral Shop well known German distributor and magnificent corals retailer, distributor of beautiful products Didosy that we will see in the next pictures.

Amtra sconto 20%

We begin with presentation of a beautiful unconventional complete system.

At the center of the cabinet there is the control panel of Didosy‘s metering station: Profiline

While covering the aquarium there was a magnificent lighting of aquaLEDs.de: the aquaPAD with incredible thickness of only 14 mm!

In this photo you can admire even more the incredible thickness

The lighting here in 60 cm x 60 cm version

Here we see another aquaLEDs.de lighting, the Aquabar to illuminate this little tank of corals

From this photo you can appreciate the build construction and the close positioning of the LEDs

Finally here is the aquarium view from the front, where there were several LPS that can be found for sale on Coral Shop

Right next to it was possible to see the whole range of Didosy products, complete stations for dosing in the aquarium

The beautiful Tower profi with 4 pumps

Then we saw the DDS8, which can achieve the control of 8 channels and here on display with 7 dosing pumps, of course, all controlled individually

The last product we saw was the Stirrex, which should be a filter for dosing any type of food in the tank, liquid feed but adequately cooled and therefore can remain fresh and do not deteriorate. Really a great product.

Then we move on, as told before, in the aquaLEDs.de booth where we could admire their beautiful LED lighting, both in aquaPAD than in aquaPAD customized version.

The thickness is unbelievable, of course to get it aquaLEDs has made ​​extensive use of aluminum to get a good passive cooling system

It must be said that the corals on display were not so bad 🙂

To understand what really is the minimum thickness, we remember to be only 14 mm, we can appreciate the pictures made ​​by our friend Lumaz who  used as a touchstone his pack of cigarettes…

View from a few meters away the thickness becomes almost irrelevant … you can not see it … truly incredible!

aquaLEDs then showed us a prototype of aquaPAD cut in a circular manner to be used in particular circular aquariums

The build quality, as we have seen for this brand, is absolutely flawless

Obviously, the construction is watertight

and then you can use the whole lamp, properly shaped, as a lid for aquarium, really cool!

The result is truly amazing.

We want to congratulate the new company we did not know and which introduced on the market with a lighting with an exaggerated thickness!


to be continued…

for further informations



Editorial: the Interzoo 2012 in Nuremberg with all booths visited


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