Home REEF AQUARIUM Ecotech Marine Reeflink – Preview

Ecotech Marine Reeflink – Preview


Ecotech Marine Reeflink

We have dreamed for so long and finally we have it in our hands. We’re talking about Ecotech Marine Reeflink, the digital hub for the aquarium introduced by EcoTech Marine. We had already talked about it after having seen it during Macna 2013 at Miami.

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Ecotech Marine ReefLink was defined by the same Ecotech Marine as a digital hub, specifically designed for any owner of the fixtures Ecotech Marine Radion above his aquarium, but with the new update is also already possible to connect it to the pumps Ecotech Marine VorTech, and probably tomorrow to anything else, both of derivation Ecotech Marine  or not.

Ecotech Marine ReefLink puts Radion in communication directly with the program EcoSmart Live so that it’s possible to control, with any web browser, every aspect of the ceiling without having to physically connect it with your computer by wire.

Then we can save the settings, do the tests, show to friends through any browser, connecting to the service EcoSmart Live with our computer, Windows or Mac, or through iPad, iPhone, or more generally with any Smartphone or Tablet. In a word … fantastic!


Ecotech Marine Reeflink

The things that most surprised us of this object are its physical size, since it is really small, and its extreme ease of use.

It connects and installs in a jiffy and without even having to push a button … which by the way is not present on the device.

It connects to your computer (in my case a Mac) via a supplied USB cable, you should upgrade software, if requested, and then setting the properties via computer to connect to your home network.

At this point Ecotech Marine ReefLink is ready to work together with your computer rather than your smartphone or tablet.

Ecotech Marine Reeflink

From today it will be possible to play directly with our own ceiling without having to connect directly by cable, the ease of use is incredible and expands the possibilities of interaction with our aquarium.

Useful or useless? The question is extremely interesting … and just as easy to answer … the Ecotech Marine Reeflink is very useful. No more cables around home, any changes you can make to the flight… the versatility at its highest level.

Now we begin to play with it, and our usual and very complete review will come as soon as possible.



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