Home TECH SECTION How to prepare ourselves to a scheduled power outage

How to prepare ourselves to a scheduled power outage


Guida sulla interruzione di corrente programmata in acquarioThe lack of electric power is absolutaly letal for an aquarium. With this article we want to give you a guide for better facing a potential power breakdown.

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This case is slightly different from a casual power outage. That is if the light goes out we have to have some tools with us: a UPS, a telephone dial, and maybe even a friend. It can be also useful a camera framing the aquarium and the sump.

But let’s see how to face a potentially long and scheduled power outage.

Programmed current breakdown and return pump

Obviously a UPS it’s always useful and, if connected to the return pump, guarantees us precious time of aquarium oxygenation. It’s better not connecting anything else for not taking more power from the batteries. And if there’s an high possibility to remain without electric power you can reduce the return pump’s power.

Pompa Sicce Syncra SDC elettronica
Sicce Syncra SDC 7 electric pump (article)

It’s not the ideal solution but we’re speaking in an emergency case.

Leave skimmers, moving pumps (except they’ve their ups), heaters and chillers. Our purpose is to prolong the survival time of the aquarium to the maximum.

Scheduled power outage and power supply

When the animals eat they produce ammonia and nitrates as waste products. Whether they are fish, corals or invertebrates. That’s why the best is not feeding them in aquarium for the 24 hours before the interruption. The animals won’t suffer any side effect, but it’s essential not to have ammonia in aquarium, because in case of current breakdown will turn into toxic. In fact it wouldn’t be reduced fast by the skimmer and it would accumulate. And it would be lethal for our hosts.

Pesce pagliaccio, Amphiprion ocellaris, mangia dalla superficie
Amphiprion ocellaris eating in the surface

Don’t be afraid of not feeding fish, corals or invertebrates. They can stay even a week without food and not accuse a problem instead. Remember that before the intercontinental transport the fish are kept at a low food regime. It can seem weird, but it’s a way to avoid the ammonia production in the transporting bags.

The article continues on page two with advices on pumps, calcium reactor and balling.


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