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The new Reef Flare PRO L Blue in our DaniReef LAB:...

Some days ago we had the opportunity to test thoroughly in our DaniReef LAB the brand new ceiling light Reef Flare PRO L Blue

Aquarium controller Aqua go – in-depth review

After trying for a long time Aqua go by 3lements and seeing it in action in different aquariums I'm ready to do a proper and in-depth review

How to measure KH automatically: Kh Keeper Plus Review

We finally have in our hands the newKH Keeper Plus di Reef Factory, the continuous monitoring system by KH for marine aquariums, that we...

The new LED bars Orphek OR3 Blue Sky in the DaniReef...

After Orphek made the announce we were all extremely curious about these new Orphek OR3 Blue Sky, also because we did test the previous...

Orphek Atlantik iCon in our DaniReef LAB: power and control

Orphek updates its best ceiling light with lots of news and, in particular, more power. Come and discover it in our DaniReef LAB. This...

Checker HANNA HI736 phosphorus Ultra Low Range – Review and video

In today's article let's talk again about measurements and tests. One of the fundamental parameters that we always should keep under control in our...

Teco TK 1000 with r290 coolant: The king is back –...

We tested the new product of the Tank Chiller Line, the Teco TK 1000 by Teco with the new r290 coolant. We tested the...

VorTech MP40QD – review – is it still the queen of...

Finally we have in our hands the queen of the pumps, the Ecotech Marine VorTech MP40QD. Deeply renewed and improved for what concerns its...

The brand new ceiling light Reef Flare S in our DaniReef...

We introduced these lamps some time ago and we were very curious to know them better, so we welcomed with interest the offer of...

Ecotech Marine Radion XR30 G5 Blue finally in our DaniReef LAB

The Radion have always been considered the best ceiling lights in the market for marine aquariums, and now we have a brand new Radion...

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