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Tag: fishes

Centropyge in marine aquariums: which ones and how many?

Here we are with the third episode about the species that you can insert in marine aquarium. Today we're talking about the dwarf angel...

Surgeonfish in marine aquariums: how many and why?

I've always loved aquariums full of fish, as if you were diving in tropical seas. I've always had a lot of them, the important...

A new Amphiprion ocellaris “Black-DaVinci” strain – What will its name...

We don't all agree with the practice of variants selection of Amphiprion ocellaris, but this new strain introduced by Sea & Reef Aquaculture surely...

My babies born Pterapogon kauderni… watch the amazing pictures and video...

After about 40 days from the last birth, I've had another birth of my Pterapogon kauderni (Banggai cardinalfish) In this picture you can see the...

How to take picture of our aquarium: photography course part II...

After the great success of the previous section that talked about the general theory of photography and the basics to get great photos, and...

L’acquario marino di Cristiano Farina “FARO” – The tank of

For English version please click here Dopo aver fotografato la vasca di Giancarlo, che potete vedere qui, il nostro gruppetto di acquariofili curiosi...

L’acquario marino di Giancarlo Molendini 2 anni dopo – the tank...

For English version please click here Finalmente sono riuscito a tornare a vedere la vasca di Giancarlo, se qualcuno di voi lo ricorda...

L’acquario marino di Roberto Franchini – the tank of

For English version please click here Era un po' di tempo che non aggiungevo qualche bella vasca da vedere, e questa volta ho...

L’acquario marino di Mirco Buccarini “MadMaxReef” – The tank of

For English version please click here In occasione dell'ultimo MagnaRomagna a Gallo di Petriano siamo stati a visitare la nuova e splendida vasca...

Alimentazione dei pesci – The fish feeding

L'alimentazione dei pesci in acquario è ovviamente fondamentale, mentre non è così ovvio capire cosa sia meglio e più adeguato per i nostri amici pinnuti, nonché per l'equilibrio del nostro acquario - The feeding of fish in the aquarium is of course essential, but it is not so obvious what is better and more appropriate for our aquatic friends, and for balance of our aquarium.

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