Home REEF AQUARIUM The new Hydor E-SK1000 DC skimmer with timer in world premiere

The new Hydor E-SK1000 DC skimmer with timer in world premiere

Il nuovo schiumatoio Hydor E-SK1000 DC in anteprima mondiale con temporizzatore

We have the rare luck to have one of the very first models of the skimmer Hydor E-SK1000 DC with adjustable DC pump and timer. In world premiere.

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The set of this new skimmer Hydor is based on the internal pump, a couple of diffusion plates that end in a conical cylinder and the drain at the base of the skimmer itself. This set occupies a little space and can be placed even in smaller sump.

Completes the set a pipe for the drain of the glass with its sink, and a glass with a practical groove that helps to stick it in its base.

Technical characteristics of the Hydor E-SK1000 DC

  • Skimming pump: Hydor Seltz D 2000 DC 24V with brush impeller;
  • Consumption: ~19 w;
  • Treated air: 300/800 l/h;
  • Treated water: at least 1200 l/h;
  • Relationship air/water: 800/1200=0,7;
  • Occupied space: 220×220 mm;
  • Height: 550 mm;
  • Suggested level of water in sump: from 20 to 30 cm.
  • Price suggested to the public: 479 euro;
Il nuovo schiumatoio Hydor E-SK1000 DC in anteprima mondiale con temporizzatore: pompa di schiumazione

Unfortunately even Hydor doesn’t declare the treated water, as many other builders lately do. It can be deduced by the back of the pump, but we’re not still sure of what it means. And the air rate declared is very variable because it depens on the height of the water in sump and on the regulation of the pump. But we measured the treated water and soon the air too so we will have accurate parameters.

Il nuovo schiumatoio Hydor E-SK1000 DC in anteprima mondiale con temporizzatore: girante

In fact, when we took the pictures the impeller was still wet after the flow rate tests.

Il nuovo schiumatoio Hydor E-SK1000 DC in anteprima mondiale con temporizzatore: piastra di diffusione

Ideal for…

Hydor says that this skimmer can manage very populated aquariums until 550 liters, and stardard populated aquariums until 1000 liters.

Il nuovo schiumatoio Hydor E-SK1000 DC in anteprima mondiale con temporizzatore: pompa di schiumazione

The adjustable DC pump and the timer

The chosen pump is an adjustable DC, we think it’s the small Seltz D 2000 DC 24V, the smallest DC from Hydor‘s catalog. Obviously the performances change from a normal impeller to a brush. But the interesting feature is that you can adjust the pump through a potetionmeter.

Il nuovo schiumatoio Hydor E-SK1000 DC in anteprima mondiale con temporizzatore: controller

But what struck us it’s that for the first time the skimmer Hydor E-SK 1000 DC has a timer of 80 seconds.

The first time we turned on the skimmer, because of we didn’t noticed the timer, we stood speechless because… the skimmer didn’t turned in action. So we read the manual and we noticed this great feature. Once turned on, the pump waits 80 seconds before starting.

This means that if there’s a blackout, when the current comes back the return pump will have the time to take back the sump at the right level, before the pump of the skimmer goes in action.

We really love this feature, and wish that all skimmers had it! Well done, Hydor! Think that exist all sorts of expensive accessories and DIY projects (here and here some examples – in italian), when it only would be sufficient so little. Let’s congratulate Hydor for being the first in doing it, for what I know.

Il nuovo schiumatoio Hydor E-SK1000 DC in anteprima mondiale con temporizzatore: dettagli

The construction is good, even if some plastics are very slight and there a few too many “tricks”, for example the mechanism of the throttle that controls the exit of the water.

There other details to discuss, but for these we send you to our review. Give us a couple of months to test the skimmer and then we will talk in depht about it!


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