Home CHEMISTRY Test of my tank

Test of my tank


Sono due settimane che ho ripreso a fare i test dopo oltre 4 mesi che non li facevo

La vasca sta ricominciando a girare bene… anzi è troppo magra!!!

Data: 10 dicembre Test Elos
Fosfati – PO4 0.00 mg/l
Nitrati – NO3 0 mg/l
Carbonati – Kh 8 dKh
Calcio – Ca 400 ppm
Magnesio – Mg 1.700 ppm
Sonde Biotopus
Temperatura – T 25,7°C
Ph 8,40
Redox 495
Densità – % 35 /ooo

Today I measured values of my tank…is was about 4 month I didn’t do that…

We need corals food!!!

12 of july Elos test kits
Phospates – PO4 0.00 mg/l
Nitrate – NO3 0 mg/l
Carbonate – Kh 8 dKh
Calcium – Ca 400 ppm
Magnesium – Mg 1.700 ppm
Biotopus probes
Temperature – T 25,7°C
Ph 8,40
Redox 495
Density – % 35/ooo


  1. I need to sit down and test everything as well – thanks for the reminder! My dosing pump tubing went bad so I didn’t dose calcium for a while – when I tested last month it was 300ppm. I haven’t tested all parameters in months.




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