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Tag: corals

Silbermann Aquaristik and Plankton Plus: a new discover

We didn't know Silbermann Aquaristik nor PlanktonPlus before the Interzoo: they're companies with very interesting products and beautiful corals on show. This article is also...

Plankton – zooplankton and phytoplankton – getting to know them

In this second section I will refer to the particulate components that are produced by the rising deep currents, this component we call Plankton. This article...

The importance of Vitamin C in Coral Calcification Process

There have been many empirical trials demonstrating the importance of vitamin C in the growth of beloved corals (qui l'articolo in italiano). In an article...

Marine salt Equo’s Essenza Reef – In depth review

I started using the Equo's Essenza Reef salt right after its preview a few months ago. Today we are here to share what we...

Interzoo 2014: the incredible booth of De Jong MarineLife with fish...

The booth of De Jong MarineLife was incredible wonderful, like every Interzoo, thanks to fish and corals of first level. First of all we look...

Interzoo 2014: WhiteCorals displays wonderful LPS corals!

We didn't know the website WhiteCorals but we were struck from their stunning corals, for a moment I thought to be at Macna again,...

Interzoo 2014: The Korallen Zucht booth with incredible corals

The Korallen Zucht booth has attracted the most attention, as usual. In fact Korallen Zucht is the company that invented the Zeovit method and...

Preview: New Planctondose of Planctontech, the natural food

On DaniReef we have always claimed the importance of properly feed invertebrates in a reef aquarium, we have also written a very nice untranslated...

Interzoo 2012: Korallen Zucht

One of the stand that is most admired by visitors during Interzoo is surely the Korallen Zucht booth, where there are always incredible corals...

Fungia puts up a fight and wins against debris

Here is a beautiful time-lapse video that shows how easily a Fungia will free itself from sediment and sand with which had been accidentally...

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