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Tag: skimmer

How to set a mono pump skimmer at its best

Let's see how to set the skimmer. L'articolo in italiano su come regolare lo schiumatoio lo trovate cliccando qui. We began last week the...

Maintenance of the skimmer: our guide to make it efficient

The skimmer is the heart of our aquariums. It's the main filter. Now we will show how to make its maintenance. qui l'articolo...

Skimmer Nyos Quantum 160: In depth review

The Nyos Quantum 160i skimmer has been presented by Nyos during the 2014 Nuremberg Interzoo. Cliccate qui per la recensione in italiano. We tried...

Interzoo 2016 – Grotech, la linea Reef e il video della...

Nella lunga carrellata di aziende presenti ad Interzoo 2016 non poteva certo mancare Grotech, marchio tedesco di sicura qualità che da anni ormai vanta...

Interzoo 2016: lo stand Skimz e gli innovativi skimmer Piramid

L'avevamo anticipato durante il nostro editoriale, i nuovi schiumatoi Skimz ci erano piaciuti davvero tantissimo. E' giunto quindi il momento di approfondire la conoscenza con questa...

Vertex Omega 180i: in depth review

The Vertex Omega 180i is the latest skimmer presented by Vertex during the last Nuremberg InterZoo. We tested this skimmer in a SPS and LPS...

Il nuovo Ultra Reef Akula UKS-180-V15-01 in prova

Dopo aver provato e recensito il primo modello di Ultra Reef Akula UKS 180, siamo molto felici di annunciare l'inizio della prova anche sul nuovo UKS...

The new italian Akula UKS-180 skimmer from UltraReef, now with conic...

After three years with the last model, named Akula, now UltraReef presents a deep restyling of his project, the new conic skimmer Akula UKS-180. We...

Interzoo 2014: the Nyos booth with new Quantum skimmers

Two years ago Nyos shared his booth with Thrive Aquatics, we will see it tomorrow, but during this Interzoo they had a much bigger...

Preview UltraReef AutoSkim, the scrapers kit to clean the skimmer neck

Following the review of the Ultra Reef Akula uks-180 skimmer, the producer asked us to try over the same skimmer the semiautomatic cleaning kit...

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